
Featured Articles


October 21, 2014 

IRS to Miss Goal for Homeland Security Directive on Security

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will not meet the Department of the Treasury’s 2015 goal for full compliance with a directive requiring Federal agencies to issue identification cards that allow workers to gain access to Federally controlled facilities

 AICPA Looks for Ways to Enhance Audit Quality

August 8, 2014 

AICPA Looks for Ways to Enhance Audit Quality

Building on CPAs’ long-standing commitment to provide high-quality services that protect the public, the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) has issued a discussion paper for all stakeholders in the audit process of private entities. The discussion paper summarizes the Institute’s multi-faceted effort that is designed to help auditors excel in a fast changing and complex…

Isaac M. O'Bannon

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