
Featured Articles

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January 18, 2016 

Insurance Now Offered For Small Businesses With Drones

This Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) coverage is a new insurance product in the market that caters specifically to small and medium-sized businesses that currently use or plan to use drones to complement their business operations.

 New Law Equalizes Tax-Free Transportation Benefits

January 11, 2016 

New Law Equalizes Tax-Free Transportation Benefits

The new tax law signed at the end of last year – the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015 – improves the tax-free transportation benefits that may be offered to employees.


December 30, 2015 

IRS Extends Deadline for ACA Obamacare Reporting

The IRS has issued a two-month extension for employers and issuers to provide individuals with forms reporting on offers of health coverage and coverage provided. The new deadline is March 31, 2016.

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December 21, 2015 

Are College Savings Plans Right for Your Family?

Similar to 401(k) retirement accounts, 529 Savings Plans are investment savings accounts that are based on investments in stock, mutual funds or similar markets. Recognized by the IRS starting in 1996, they are overseen by individual states and ...

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December 17, 2015 

5 Ways Firms Can Better Prepare As Legal Claims Rise Against CPAs

According to CPA Mutual, a national risk retention group and accounting firm liability coverage provider, firm claims with actual expenses paid have increased by 41 percent since 1998. Accounting firms can expect to experience one liability matter per ...

Donna M Phelan 566ddbffd786d

December 13, 2015 

Women Face Different Retirement Challenges than Men

Some research has indicated that women might save 40 percent less in their 401(k) accounts than men, which adds up to an average of $59,300 for female workers – as opposed to an average of $100,000 for males in the workforce.

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December 13, 2015 

5 Focus Areas for Retirement Planning

The age in which you elect to receive Social Security benefits may be the most important factor in this area. Delaying benefits as long as you can will increase the monthly amount you receive. However, spousal benefits ...


November 18, 2015 

5 Areas to Check in Your Retirement Plan

While thousands of boomers reach retirement age every day, they will continue to take on more responsibility for providing income for their essential living expenses, such as housing, food and health care, says Marc Sarner, president of ...

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