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October 30, 2015 

5 Need-to-Know Retirement Pointers

In recent years, retirement planning has received plenty of attention. In 2011, the first of the baby boomers reached what used to be known as retirement age. That kicked off an 18-year run for boomers, who’ll be turning 65 at a rate of about 10,000 ...

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October 29, 2015 

What’s the Best Time to Start Drawing Social Security?

The federal government allows retirees to start drawing Social Security as early as age 62, a feature that more than 40 percent of Americans take advantage of as they gladly draw from the system they spent a lifetime paying into.

 How to Collect Tax Benefits for Business Bad Debts

October 28, 2015 

How to Collect Tax Benefits for Business Bad Debts

From a business perspective, there’s practically nothing worse than providing goods or services to a customer or client and not getting paid. Or maybe you’ve made loans to vendors or suppliers that haven’t been repaid. It can take a long time to get ...

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