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October 10, 2014 

Most Seniors Heavily Reliant on Social Security for Retirement

The Social Security Administration (SSA) recently released its Fast Facts & Figures about Social Security in 2014. The statistics show that for many retirees, Social Security is integral part of their savings with 65 percent of aged beneficiaries receivin

 IRS Extends Deadline to Claim Retirement Loss Deductions

September 21, 2014 

IRS Extends Deadline to Claim Retirement Loss Deductions

On September 18, the IRS released an advanced copy of Rev. Proc. 2014-54, which provides guidance on certain changes in method of accounting for dispositions of tangible depreciable property. One of the most notable changes in this 93-page document is tha

 How to Enjoy the Tax Benefits of Business Conventions

September 18, 2014 

How to Enjoy the Tax Benefits of Business Conventions

Suppose one of your clients receives a postcard or email heralding a business convention at a lush tropical paradise this winter. It’s hard to pass up and your client may jump at the opportunity. After the early presentations and round-table discussions,


September 18, 2014 

Survey Ranks the Best and Worst Cities for Retirees

After decades in the workforce, it seems only natural for retirees to expect financial security in their Golden Years. But gone are the days when Americans looked forward to a worry-free retirement. Many are working longer years with an increasingly unreachable goal of securing financial freedom for the rest of their lives. In 1991, only...…


September 16, 2014 

How to Increase Savings and Preserve Retirement Accounts

A new survey assessing financial wellness programs in the workplace reveals that the combination of financial education with employee lending solutions significantly increases employees’ ability to save money and reduces instances of borrowing from 401(k) retirement accounts when faced with financial emergencies. The survey also shows that employees taking advantage of these programs are more...…

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