
Featured Articles


July 15, 2014 

Pensions, Defined Benefit Plans are Still a Good Option for Some

Do you remember those traditional pension plans from days of yore? Although such plans are nowhere near as prevalent as they were back in your grandfather’s day – especially for employers that must cover dozens of employees or more -- there’s still a time and place for the “defined benefit plan.” In fact, this option…

Ken Berry, JD

 Pennsylvania Gov. Vows to Take Pension Reform to Public Vote

July 12, 2014 

Pennsylvania Gov. Vows to Take Pension Reform to Public Vote

After more than a day of criticism from fellow state Republicans for allegedly failing to show leadership, Gov. Tom Corbett said Friday he has worked behind the scenes for long enough and will take his cause of pension reform to the public.

 Small Business Retirement Plans: SEPs Take the Easy Way Out

July 2, 2014 

Small Business Retirement Plans: SEPs Take the Easy Way Out

Most of your clients who are small business owners are consumed with their day-to-day operations. They usually don’t have the time, nor the inclination, to devote to administering a qualified retirement plan for employees, even though they also will benefit from it personally. For these harried entrepreneurs, a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP), also called a…

Ken Berry, JD

 Starting a Qualified Plan for a Small Biz? It’s SIMPLE

June 30, 2014 

Starting a Qualified Plan for a Small Biz? It’s SIMPLE

SIMPLE. The name says it all. It stands for Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees, a contrived moniker, but you get the picture. This type of qualified retirement plan, created back in 1996, is designed to provide an easy and convenient retirement plan option for small business operations.

Ken Berry, JD

 Should Your Clients Join the Rush to Roth IRAs?

June 27, 2014 

Should Your Clients Join the Rush to Roth IRAs?

Although it’s been almost five years since the floodgates were opened, we’re still seeing a steady stream of conversions to Roth IRAs. As long as Congress doesn’t clamp down on the rules, you can expect for this trend to continue.

Ken Berry, JD

 Report Shows Who is Most Likely to Come Up Short on Retirement Savings

June 22, 2014 

Report Shows Who is Most Likely to Come Up Short on Retirement Savings

Will Baby Boomers and Gen Xers have enough money to live on when they retire, and if not, when will they run short? New modeling by the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) finds that those in the lowest-income brackets are most likely to run short, many in the first year of retirement.

 GASB Proposes Improvements to State and Local Post Employment Benefits Reporting

June 18, 2014 

GASB Proposes Improvements to State and Local Post Employment Benefits Reporting

On Monday, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) published two proposed Statements intended to significantly improve financial reporting by state and local governments of other postemployment benefits (OPEB), such as retiree health insurance. The GASB also published a third Exposure Draft that would establish requirements for pensions and pension plans that are outside the scope…

Isaac M. O'Bannon

 How Employers and Accounting Firms Can Navigate Obamacare Penalties

June 13, 2014 

How Employers and Accounting Firms Can Navigate Obamacare Penalties

Thomson Reuters has released a special report for employers, accounting firms, and other professionals who advise business clients, Get Ready to Play or Pay: Employer Shared Responsibility Under Health Care Reform. The report highlights key provisions employers must understand to avoid tax penalties related to the Affordable Care Act.

Isaac M. O'Bannon

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