February 13, 2023
Business Leaders See Next Cyber Breach Coming from the Inside
71% worry about accidental internal staff error as one of the top threats facing their companies, almost on par with concern about outside hackers (75%).
February 13, 2023
71% worry about accidental internal staff error as one of the top threats facing their companies, almost on par with concern about outside hackers (75%).
Accounting February 13, 2023
Nearly half (48.8%) of C-suite and other executives expect the number and size of cyber events targeting their organizations’ accounting and financial data to increase in the year ahead according to a new Deloitte Center for Controllership poll.
February 9, 2023
62% of companies plan to add full-time roles in accounting, while 78% look to contract workers to fill accounting jobs.
Accounting February 9, 2023
Companies don't want every employee to have a corporate credit card. When you have plastic walking around, it can be lost, stolen, or used fraudulently.
Accounting February 9, 2023
The resulting report found that the biggest transformation for over a generation ushers in a new era in the world of work: 44% expect to move roles in the next 12 months.
Accounting February 9, 2023
This year's case challenged teams to rank investors best suited for a business venture as well as consider tax or non-tax scenarios the investor should consider.
Accounting February 9, 2023
New AuditFile software feature helps firms connect with AuditClub fractional auditors to complete audits and reviews under tight deadlines
February 9, 2023
Technologists Randy Johnston and Brian Tankersley, CPA, CITP, CGMA discuss how "low Earth orbit satellites" can provide greater internet connectivity for accountants, firms, remote staff, and others who frequently travel.
Accounting February 8, 2023
Recently conducted research into what minorities are encountering when entering and advancing in the profession are being presented in the new 2022 Insight Special Feature.
Firm Management February 8, 2023
The new Orange County professionals will join Andersen’s office in Costa Mesa, while the teams in Des Moines and Pittsburg will be a part of the Chicago Metro and New York Metro practices
Accounting February 7, 2023
the Illinois CPA Society and CPA Endowment Fund of Illinois are now accepting applications for more than 40 scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $4,000 each that will be awarded for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Accounting February 7, 2023
These tools within the BI solution provide increased visibility into the AP process, versus traditional manual methods, by featuring the organization’s purchase orders, invoices and pay data...