Firm Management

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How To Brand Your Accounting Firm

August 24, 2016 

How To Brand Your Accounting Firm

In this video, Karen Reyburn and I chat about the practical steps you need to take to build your brand as a CPA in order to stand out from the crowd and attract the clients you love. Karen is with The Profitable Firm, a marketing agency helping ...

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August 22, 2016 

Ransomware: Is Your Accounting Firm At Risk?

Ransomware is a type of malicious software that encrypts files, blocks access to computer systems then requires an anonymous payment, and has the ability to make a dramatic and devastating impact on your business. A recent report released by the FBI ...

Christopher Stark


August 18, 2016 

3 Ways Accounting Firms Can Reach Millennials

If you’re part of an accounting firm, there is no denying the importance of reaching this age group. By 2020, 46% of all U.S. workers will be millennialsi. By 2025, that number could rise to 75%ii. While the business world is making strides to attract ...

Jon Baron

Why Some Forecasting Can Be a Waste of Time 1  579fb2ab9e63a

August 18, 2016 

Apps We Love – Time Killers

You’ve got five minutes to spare and your phone in your hand – how do you use your time? We asked members of the CPA Practice Advisor community to share their favorite time-kill apps and this is what we learned.

Gail Perry


August 10, 2016 

New Podcast Series Focuses On Accounting Firm Management

Sageworks has released a new three-part podcast series for accountants on iTunes. The podcast series, “Next-Level Accountants: Your guide to growing a firm of trusted advisors,” features interviews with industry experts Ronald J. Baker, Doug Sleeter, ...

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August 9, 2016 

The Procrastinator’s To-Do List

Most people procrastinate. It’s in our nature to have ebbs and flows of productive time, the time when we can really dig in and get our projects completed. I contend that procrastination is in the eye of the beholder. After all, think about how your ...

Gail Perry

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