Firm Management

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May 17, 2016 

Overtime Rule Change Threatens Entrepreneurship

It has been said that the worst problems are the ones you don’t see coming, and there is a significant problem brewing in D.C. that too few people seem to be paying attention to. At President’s Obama’s urging, the Department of Labor is amending ...

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May 17, 2016 

Karbon Task Management for Accountants

2016 Innovation Award Finalist -- Instantly see and set priorities for everyone with to-do lists. Easily prioritize and delegate tasks for anyone on your team. Effortlessly handoff work between staff, and quickly get new employees up to speed.

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May 16, 2016 

What Are Your Firm’s Microsoft Alternatives?

My earlier column on Microsoft strategies mentioned two other technology ecosystems to support our computing needs: Apple OS & iOS, and Linux & Android. While it is clear that the mainstream of the accounting profession in the U.S. market uses ...

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May 13, 2016 

Is It Easy To Do Business With Your Firm?

If your firm is like most, you are constantly looking for ways to fuel growth. The fastest and easiest way to grow is by leveraging your existing client base. And to do so you need to make sure that your base is full of happy clients.

Jim Boomer

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May 10, 2016 

California Accounting Firm Honored for Community Service

Haskell & White, one of Southern California’s largest independently owned accounting, auditing and tax consulting firms, has been recognized by the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) Orange County for its many years of community service.

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