Firm Management

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April 18, 2016 

Collaboration + Leadership = Success

The greatest leaders surround themselves with tremendous talent on their leadership team. They understand their own unique abilities and the areas where they fall short. They look for individuals who can complement their strengths and minimize their ...

Jim Boomer

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April 14, 2016 

Ranking the Best Accounting Firms to Work For

The rankings are compiled annually by Vault, using surveys of professionals and students, and evaluate employers, universities, and internships in terms of prestige, best place to work, diversity, quality of life, compensation, and other categories.

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April 7, 2016 

Marketing to the New Boom

Millennials…Millions strong, big spenders, and all about the selfie…so how do you market to them?

 Practice Management – An Opportunity to Grow

April 5, 2016 

Practice Management – An Opportunity to Grow

Probably more important than the tool is the culture of business development, discovery meetings, referral clients and omni-channel marketing. Since many accounting professionals have not been trained in marketing, this leads to common errors and ...

Randy Johnston

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