
Featured Articles


June 10, 2013 

Tim Cook Defends Apple’s Tax Accounting

Associated Press Video: Apple's CEO, Tim Cook is disputing assertions by a Senate panel that the company avoids billions of dollars in U.S. taxes by shifting profits to foreign affiliates. (May 21)

 New Florida law speeds up foreclosure process

June 9, 2013 

New Florida law speeds up foreclosure process

In the week before Florida Gov. Rick Scott's deadline to sign a bill that would speed up the state's residential mortgage foreclosure process, bank employees flooded his inbox with a form letter urging his approval.

 Ohio Governor trying again on fracking tax

June 9, 2013 

Ohio Governor trying again on fracking tax

Ohio Governor John Kasich is trying to revive a twice-killed new severance tax on shale drilling by offering to send some of the proceeds back to 33 counties in Ohio's Appalachian region.

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