
Featured Articles

 Stopping the Mail-In Rebate Scam

October 1, 2012 

Stopping the Mail-In Rebate Scam

Mail-In Rebates (MIRs) are a noxious scam that have infested the tech and software markets, and it is time we put an end to them by refusing to buy products based on a MIR.

Dave McClure

 Death and Taxes: Make Sure Your Firm Survives Tax Season

September 14, 2012 

Death and Taxes: Make Sure Your Firm Survives Tax Season

Benjamin Franklin said it first: the only certain things in life are death and taxes. In the case of accountants, though, he might have mentioned that the greatest risk is death during tax season. Forget about last minute changes to the tax code. Forget software updates, and clients without proper receipts, and identity theft, and...…

Dave McClure

 More Mississippi Counties Get IRS Tax Relief Resulting from Hurricane Isaac

September 13, 2012 

More Mississippi Counties Get IRS Tax Relief Resulting from Hurricane Isaac

The IRS has added to the list of counties in Mississippi where victims of Hurricane Isaac can qualify for tax relief. After recent disaster declarations for individual assistance issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the IRS announced that affected taxpayers in Mississippi will receive tax relief, and other locations may be added in...…

Isaac M. O'Bannon


July 1, 2012 


25% of your clients overpay property taxes. Help your clients and grow revenue with ValueAppeal PRO. For more information, visit ValueAppeal’s website.

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