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 Xero Takes Big Bite of Cloud Accounting Market: Hits 100,000 Paying Users

July 26, 2012 

Xero Takes Big Bite of Cloud Accounting Market: Hits 100,000 Paying Users

Cloud-based accounting is taking off as small businesses and their public accountants, see the benefits of simplifying workflow, invoicing, payroll and other functions. One of the most rapidly growing companies in the space is Xero, which announced today they now have more than 100,000 paying customers. About 50,000 of those were added just in the...…

Isaac M. O'Bannon


July 2, 2012 

Simplifying Online Document Management for Clients

Document management has come a long way over the past decade, at least for accounting firms. Although professionals often proudly wear their self-proclaimed skepticism of some technology, most firms are actually quite advanced, at least when comparing technology adoption to their small business clients. Unfortunately, in the new practice model and new economy, clients who...…

Isaac M. O'Bannon


June 27, 2012 

More Cloud is Good for Your Firm & Your Clients’ Businesses

The movement to the cloud has had many names over the past decade: Web 2.0, SaaS, web-based services, net-native programs, etc. But whatever you call it, the coming mass adoption of cloud-based business solutions will have the biggest effect on our work and business lives since computers themselves were first installed on desktops back in…

Isaac M. O'Bannon


June 27, 2012 

Think Differently

I’m a big fan of Apple and the late, great Steve Jobs. If you haven’t taken the time to read the book, “Steve,” by Walter Issacson, I highly encourage you to pick up or download a copy and take the time to absorb the numerous lessons offered.

Darren Root, CPA, CITP, CGMA

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