In this issue
May 27, 2021
What “Ghostbusters” Can Teach Us About Conversations
Being intentional is a key to many successful habits and here it plays a major role again. The first step is to make connecting with your peers is to make it a priority. Each day spend 15 minutes twice a day to call someone and have a conversation.
May 20, 2021
Ah COVID-19, We Hardly Knew Ye
As the country's businesses are starting to get back to normal, or redefine normal as the case may be, it seems a good time to reflect on the nature of this beast we call pandemic and how thoroughly it took us by storm. From closed offices and remote ...
May 18, 2021
Job Descriptions and Essential Functions
Unlike common workplace policies such as time and a half pay for overtime or mandatory family and medical leave, which are legally mandated, no federal or state laws or regulations require employers to have written job descriptions.
May 13, 2021
AICPA News: May 2021
AICPA News is a round-up of recent announcements from the institute. AICPA Names Four new Accounting Doctoral Scholars The American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) recently named four new Accounting Doctoral Scholars (ADS), which identifies currently practicing CPAs interested in becoming accounting professors to assure future accountants have necessary and up-to-date skills. The following individuals will receive a $20,000...…
May 13, 2021
Setting Your Clients Up for Success with the American Rescue Plan
While every tax season can get a bit hectic, this one will prove extra challenging for tax professionals and their clients. It’s critical to make sure that you set your clients up for success to ensure that they’ll be able to navigate this complicated ...
May 13, 2021
Client Experience for Today – Practice Management for Today
From the May 2021 Issue. Has your practice evolved to a new way of working, or are you doing things pretty much as you did a decade or more ago? Through the years, I have tried to show you a safe way to upgrade your practice tools with technology while still serving your client well...…
May 12, 2021
How Working Conditions and Attitudes Have Changed Due to the Pandemic
COVID-19 has dented worker sentiment: although the majority (86%) of workers still say they feel optimistic about the next five years in the workplace, this is down from 92% last year. While overall optimism may be the long-term outlook, it is uneven ...
May 12, 2021
Creating a Business Development Pipeline That Works
In many firms, the business development process can best be described as “throw things at the wall and see what sticks.” This kind of business development doesn’t involve a lot of planning and results in a lot of wasted time spent on nurturing the ...
May 10, 2021
Onboarding and Offboarding Employees: Why Getting it Right Matters
In the age of remote working and no-handshake protocols, exemplary welcomes and farewells may seem harder than ever. But just as routines and cultures have changed, so have best practices for orienting new employees, and, as a manager, it’s important...
May 7, 2021
10 Easy Blog Topics for The Busy CPA
Who has time to write blog content? Probably not you, but you know you need content on your website to increase your firm’s search engine ranking.
May 5, 2021
Accounting in a Multi-Channel, Third-Party World
For years now, e-commerce has grown its share of the market by leaps and bounds. The pandemic only accelerated that trend, with US ecommerce sales growing 44 percent over the course of 2020. With most brick-and-mortar locations having to close at least...
May 5, 2021
Report Shows Small Businesses on Road to Recovery
U.S. small businesses are on the road to recovery from the financial losses experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new report by Intuit QuickBooks.
May 4, 2021
Reinvent Accounts Payable with Intelligent Automation
Accounts Payable is usually seen as a back-office function. Because AP staff spends most of their time processing transactions through manual and paper-based tasks, they don’t have much opportunity to add strategic value to the enterprise’s activities.
May 3, 2021
Due Diligence is Critical in Charitable Donations
Most Americans make the majority of their donations to charitable organizations at year end. But whether the donation is made in April or October, the same due diligence should be performed.
April 22, 2021
3 Tips for a Less Taxing Tax Day This Mental Health Month
Tax Day in 2021 coincides with Mental Health Month — and while that’s almost certainly a coincidence, it’s a coincidence that certainly feels apt. This won’t be lost on already under-the-gun tax professionals, for whom the lead-up to the filing ...