In this issue

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August 20, 2017 

August 2017 Accounting & Audit Channel

Miscommunication plagues even the most established global businesses. Without proper and effective communication tactics, a team comprised of top tier talent will eventually fall flat and miss the mark.


Firm Management August 31, 2014 

8 Tips to Finding New Clients at Trade Shows

Trade shows remain a viable marketing option for accounting firms, yet many practitioners still don’t see the value. The fact is that if the appropriate level of planning is applied, trades shows can prove exceptionally successful in terms of lead generation and networking. Firms must first think through such items as budget, the right shows…

Kristy Short


August 12, 2014 

To Payroll or Not to Payroll? That is the Question… For CPA Startups Now and Then

Los Angeles-based Team Jenn Corp founder Jennifer McCabe is a careful proponent of offering payroll services. “I won’t minimize it, payroll errors can be a nightmare. But payroll is an important part of the confidential employee relationship bucket.” Offering payroll services can also help to instill invaluable confidence and a deep relationship. “It’s worth it.…

Lori Bolas


August 12, 2014 

Employee vs. Independent Contractor: Do You Know the Rules?

When you’re running a business and someone works for you or provides a service, you pay them. That’s easy. What isn’t always so easy is determining how you should treat those payments. Before you enter into a business relationship, it’s important to establish the type of relationship – is this person providing services as an…

Taija Sparkman


August 11, 2014 

August: The Dog Days of Summer

When I think of August, I think of lazy hot summer days that last from whenever my friends and I wake up to when the streetlights come on ­- the sign to end summer play and return home for the night. I'm glad I have a head full of sweet summer memories from my childhood…

Gail Perry


August 7, 2014 

Software Strategy – Is Your Firm Doing the Right Thing?

For most accounting firms, choosing a software provider and staying the course is an easy and safe decision. Only when there are traumatic events in pricing changes, software not working and not getting fixed, technology changes or regulatory changes that the software doesn’t keep up with will we even consider a change.

Randy Johnston


July 21, 2014 

Attracting and Recruiting a New Generation of Accountants

In order to continue the long-term success of an accounting practice, it’s crucial for CPAs to invest in the screening, interviewing and relationship development with up and coming accounting professionals. As the class of 2014 just received their diplomas, there is a host of fresh talent equipped with technology experience, new ideas and the drive…

Amy Vetter