
November 2014

In this issue


November 7, 2014 

Redesigning Your Firm for the New World

What do SMBs want? Have you stopped to think about what small businesses really want when it comes to hiring or switching accountants? In March of 2014, we released the results of our second annual SMB study...

Doug Sleeter

 Sales Tax Is About to Take Center Stage

November 7, 2014 

Sales Tax Is About to Take Center Stage

Once the elections are over, we expect Congress will finally get busy focusing on sales tax legislation. But that's only part of the excitement here at the magazine. It's that time of year when accountants have a bit of time to spare before they ...

Gail Perry


November 6, 2014 

Even the Self-Employed Can Face Sales Tax Issues

Do you have clients that began a business out of a spare bedroom, garage or basement? These entrepreneurs may start off as self-employed individuals, selling their wares on e-bay or etsy or at flea markets. In some cases, a humble beginning ...

Ken Berry, JD


November 5, 2014 

2014 Reviews of Cloud Hosting Providers for Accounting Firms

Cloud hosting has been around since long before technology marketers made “going to the cloud” a slogan. Here at CPA Practice Advisor, we’ve been covering cloud solutions for more than a decade, but the concept goes much further back.


November 5, 2014 

The Best and Worst States for Taxes in 2015

The Multistate Tax Foundation (MTF) recently issued its 2015 State Business Tax Climate Index report, a benchmarking report that enables state governments and others to compare their tax systems with other states. Ideally, those states that rank ...

Gail Perry


November 5, 2014 

2014 Reviews of Client Portals for Tax & Accounting Firms

Not that long ago, a new technology dramatically changed the way accounting firms and businesses of all types communicated with their clients and internally. I’m not even sure how to account for the amazing amount of time saved and the resulting increased


November 5, 2014 

Reimagining Your Clients’ Success with QBOA

Accountants want two things: to save time and grow their business. That’s the idea behind the latest product offering from Intuit. The company went back to the drawing board to redesign its online solution for accountants, QuickBooks Online Accountant.

Taija Sparkman


November 5, 2014 

2014 Reviews of Tax Document Automation Systems

Life can be funny. There are times when no matter how much we are told something is bad for us, we often ignore the message and continue down our current path. Whether it is smoking cigarettes, excessive drinking, texting while driving, you name it...