

August 18, 2016 

3 Ways Accounting Firms Can Reach Millennials

If you’re part of an accounting firm, there is no denying the importance of reaching this age group. By 2020, 46% of all U.S. workers will be millennialsi. By 2025, that number could rise to 75%ii. While the business world is making strides to attract ...

Jon Baron

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August 15, 2016 

Millennial Lifestyle Shaping Development of Cities

As millennials continue to enter the workforce and exert their influence on all aspects of the economy, of particular importance is their effect on commercial real estate, amenities and location. Today, America's cities entice millennials with better ...

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July 12, 2016 

What You Need to Know about Gen Z

The key to working with a multigenerational workforce is understanding the needs and expectations of each generation and leveraging the combined potential of the group. While each generation has its differences, they all have one thing in common:

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July 11, 2016 

Survey: Millennials Are Fiscally Focused and Responsible

Often perceived as irresponsible job hoppers, Millennials are actually loyal to their jobs as long as employers pay them fairly – and while they carry more student debt than any generation before, that's not stopping them from moving forward with ...

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