Firm Management

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cfo cloud

February 3, 2016 

CFOs Increasingly Value Soft Skills, Collaboration

The vast majority of the 533 global CFOs surveyed also cited collaboration with other parts of the organization as a key initiative in 2016, as finance increasingly sits at the “hub” of big data.

 What Will Future Accounting Clients Want from Your Firm?

January 29, 2016 

What Will Future Accounting Clients Want from Your Firm?

Right now, life in the accounting profession is good. Growth trends are on an upswing with accounting market employment up more than 4% over last year and steady revenue growth since 2011. We’ve rebounded from the recession and are starting to gain ...

Jon Baron

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January 28, 2016 

IT Alliance Appoints Lissa Johnsen As V.P.

Johnsen is a long-time ITA member, a past member of the ITA Board of Directors, and has most recently served as Treasurer of the organization. In addition to her ITA work, Johnsen serves as Employer Solutions Practice Director at Net@Work, a ...

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January 26, 2016 

Are Accountants Keeping Pace with Today’s Consumer?

All of us draw conclusions based on perceptions. If clients or prospects perceive that your firm is stuck in the past (practices that were common only four or five years ago look ancient to most of us consumers today), they may question whether your ...

Jon Baron

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January 26, 2016 

Accounting Firm Payne Nickles Joins CPASNET is a consortium of independent accounting firms that represent more than 100 partners, 300 professional associates and 500 employees. Member firms have pooled their resources to provide their clients with the local, national and ...

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January 25, 2016 

When Do You Have To Pay Terminated Employees?

Each state has its own laws that dictate when employees are to be paid and this extends to terminations. While many states allow payment for voluntary termination to occur on the next scheduled pay date, several states have accelerated timelines even for

James Paille

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