Small Business

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March 7, 2012 

2012 Review of Sales and Use Tax Compliance Systems

SU Tax Intro – April 2012  I’ve written about the volatility and challenges of sales and use tax compliance for more than 10 years and, despite movements like the Streamlined Sales Tax Initiative and increased efforts from states to recoup lost tax revenues for their battered budgets, I’ll probably be writing about sales taxes for...…


September 26, 2011 

Accounting for a SaaS World: Taking your Accounting Solutions to the Web

WHAT: FREE webinar Everything you hear and read talks about moving your practice and clients online. Join Executive Editor Darren Root, CPA.CITP and regular contributor Doug Sleeter as they discuss the important trends taking place in the accounting profession that will transform the way you work with your clients. >> Register Now Register Now


August 1, 2011 

Approaching Zero Data Entry — How Could That Be?

This year is shaping up to be a big year for innovation in the world of accounting services and client business processes. I’ve been researching several companies lately, and I’m learning how they view the market, how they build solutions, and what technology approach they believe will win the most customers today and into the...…

Doug Sleeter

 Accounting in the Clouds: Is it all Hype?

August 1, 2010 

Accounting in the Clouds: Is it all Hype?

The accounting software model is in the midst of a major transition toward the use of hosted, on-demand services. Some experts are advocating a switch to a purely online Software as a Service (SaaS) model, where data and programs are hosted in secure data centers.

Brian Tankersley

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