

April 29, 2014 

5 Ways Content Marketing Can Help Accounting Firms

Everyone’s talking about it and most accounting firm owners have a sense they should be doing it, but what exactly is content marketing? In a nutshell, it’s a marketing paradigm that opts for providing something of value as a method of showing audiences why they might want to choose your services rather than telling them…

 5 Ways to Measure Your Firm’s Social Media Efforts

April 8, 2014 

5 Ways to Measure Your Firm’s Social Media Efforts

Professionals who participate in social media, and certainly most accountants I know, want to measure what they’re doing, in order to know if they should increase or decrease the time they spend on non-billable activities. Seldom do I find anyone who tweets or networks with colleagues on LinkedIn just because it takes up valuable time…

Scott Cytron


March 28, 2014 

Ranking the Top Business Brands in the U.S.

Some brands are iconic, like Coca Cola, Disney, Microsoft and Google. Others are just as well-known, but perhaps less respected, like some fast food or alcohol and tobacco companies. While others have an even lower impression... think Enron? But which brands do small businesses trust the most?

Isaac M. O'Bannon


March 18, 2014 

E-book Helps Firms Improve Marketing & Customer Service

Is the marketing produced by your accounting firm truly so useful that people would pay for it if you asked them to do so? That’s the success standard outlined in the new e-book, Youtility for Accountants, co-authored by Darren Root, CPA and Jay Baer, and published by Portfolio/Penguin.


February 27, 2014 

What Facebook’s Acquisition of WhatsApp Means for Firms

Every product line (or service, or industry) begins at introduction, when a handful of early adopters begin to use it. This stage requires a lot of investment with little profitability. If the product survives this stage – and most do not – sales and profits begin to pick up as the product grows in popularity…

Dave McClure

 A Great Marketing Tool: Google Authorship

February 10, 2014 

A Great Marketing Tool: Google Authorship

“Being found” by potential clients can be a challenge. How do potential clients find you? The best way is always word of mouth from your colleagues and clients who know the work you do and your areas of expertise. But, word of mouth alone does not get the job done. People need a way to…

Hugh Duffy

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